I've decided to combine days into one post so this will be week 2. It's mostly just for me to look back on anyway so I don't think it matters much how I split it up. And I don't feel like I'll have as much to say this week since last week was me getting into a routine. So for today I did my workout and was mostly bored and didn't know what to do with myself. I did my workout early though, which made me feel a lot better because I felt like I had accomplished something earlier in the day and didn't have to do it later on. I'm excited to be able to vlog reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes tomorrow because it will give me something to do. I worked on my flipbook off and on but get tired of doing the same thing for too long. I have to keep busy though. Or entertained. We went grocery shopping which was good. Got us out of the apartment for the first time in a week.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
My book, the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes arrived in the mail so I mostly read that all day. I'm vloging my thoughts which as been fun. The video will go up once I finish and can edit. I finished part 1 and am enjoying it, but finding it difficult to grasp that it's following president snow as a teenager. So different from what we know he becomes. I did my workout in the morning before my arms started to hurt from yesterday's workout. My boyfriend and I ended up getting dinner from Wendy's so I didn't finish my water for the day because I had a giant lemonade from there. But I drank a lot of green tea earlier in the day, so I don't feel too bad about it. The goal isn't to be restrictive, it's to add in healthier things. So the fact that I'm drinking any water and more tea is much better than drinking soda or something like that.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Today I basically just read my book all day and I still only got to part 2. I didn't realize how slow of a reader I am now. I used to be able to read about a page per minute. Now I'm at like half that speed. I blame it on listening to more audiobooks instead of reading things physically.
I am not looking forward to adding the second workout video to my routine tomorrow. I still feel like I'm struggling with the first one. And my boyfriend tried the second video today because it's shorter, and it definitely looked like a struggle.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
My boyfriend got the day off of work today because he got called to do something for work at 3am and it took an hour to do. So I didn't do much reading like I had planned, but we did go on a hike. So not only did I do the blogilates, but I also got some extra cardio in! We walked for almost a mile. It was so nice out too, 75 degrees. I wish we had a yard so I could just sit outside, but instead we are stuck in our apartment.
Friday, May 22, 2020
I finished The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes! I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. It was enjoyable, but very strange to read. And the constant references to the original trilogy were too much for me.
And OMG my legs are so sore from the hike yesterday! I thought my legs were in pretty good shape, but clearly I was WRONG. It's my calves. It was a struggle to get through my arm workout because of it. But I'm pushing through. It's fine. Now I'm not really sure what to do with myself. What did I do before this? lol. I feel like I've been reading and vlogging every day that it really became routine and kept my mind occupied. I was hoping we could go out this weekend, but it's a holiday weekend and I do not want to be anywhere near a crowd of people. It's bad enough that things are opening up, it's going to get people killed.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Got my vlog of reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes up. I'm retty happy with it, but it is 40 minutes long so I'm not sure if anybody is actually going to bother watching. Other than that I really didn't do much today and definitely didn't even start drinking my water until nearly 7pm. I also didn't exercise until like 9pm again and that really threw me off.
And my legs hurt so bad still! I'm thinking about taking an epsum salt bath tonight because I know that will really help. Did you know that epsum salt helps sore muscles because magnesium is a mineral that can absorb through your skin? And that's what is actually helping. Weird right?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
I keep wanting to type March even though it's May now. Feels like it's still March though, let's be honest. I feel like this week I have really been slacking on writing every day, but I also vlogged so I feel like I reflected on my day in that way instead.
Today was the last day of the 7 day arm challenge from Blogilates and I definitely see and feel a difference. I am so excited for leg week next week, but I'm also a little disappointed that my arms won't be getting as much attention. I think out of everything my arms would be the one thing I'm most insecure about. I don't mind having thicker legs or a little bit of a belly, but my arms make me feel pudgy. I guess everyone has something like that right? Not only do I feel stronger, but these challenges are doing wonders for my mental health as well as my confidence. I think I said it before, but I'm really glad I decided to do this. It's been so good for me truly.
I have also been keeping up with my 32oz of water per day. I think I could maybe add more. Really just having the water bottle full and with me has made the difference in that department. That and the fact that we haven't bought any soda in a while. I have been drinking a lot of tea also. And I don't like sugar in my tea so that's been good. I did get a starbucks drink today though. The drive thru is open near us now and I really wanted to get my free birthday drink before June when it expired. So I got it, and I don't think people should feel guilty for something like that every once in a while. Is it healthy to drink a chia frappachino every day? Heck no, but as a treat once in a while I think it's fine. People shouldn't feel guilty for self care things unless it becomes self-indulgence and a constant thing.
So how do I feel after week 2?
I really am kind of disappointed that I only have one week left before my class starts up again. I'm nervous because it is part one of my Capstone and I have no idea what to do besides build off of what I've done in the past already. I suppose the professors will help us, but I feel so much less connected with online school. Like, my undergrad professors still talk to me and I've been to one's 4th of July and New Years parties in the past. With this, I don't feel comfortable asking one of my professors to look over something I do wince I feel like they don't know me.
I really want these new habits to stick, and I'm pretty hopeful that they will. Supposedly it takes anywhere from 21 days to 3 months to form a habit. This will be 21 days and I'm hoping to stick to it. I think in June I want to do Chloe Ting's 2 Week Shred challenge. I've watched a few result videos and some of her videos and it looks like a fun thing to try. I think I will have built up enough strength through the blogilates challenges to be able to push myself a bit further, even if I do have to do the modified moves and work my way up to the full moves. That's what I've been doing with the weekly challenges and by the end of the week I can almost do everything without the modifications. Very proud of how far I've come in only two weeks, so would be interesting to try a different fitness influenser's video for a change. I always do blogilates when I feel like working out, so it'll be good.
As for the water drinking, I think I need to find a way to make it taste like something. Like, green tea is much more appealing to me than plain water. Especially when the water just gets warm and almost stale tasting. I've never been a water lover.
As for self care, I definitely need to be better about other ways of self care. This next week I really want to focus on skincare. I tend to only wash my face once per day and sometimes that one time is only with water and not an actual cleanser. This is also self care and I need to treat my skin better if I want it to look and feel better.
I didn't complete all the goals/tasks I set for last week, so... let's set some more in addition to the ones I didn't finish!
Goals for Week 3:
- Do a skincare routine morning and night
- Continue working out daily with the blogilates 7 day thigh challenge
- Finish Blood For Blood - seriously, you've been reading this book for like a year! You just finished a different book in a week! You like these characters, just do it!
- Make tie dye lounge wear
- Post my June Bullet Journal setup video
- Try to make drinking 32oz of water per day more interesting - maybe add fruit or include sugarless teas as a part of my water consumption.
- Take a bath
- Finish Wolf drawing I started
- Make larger versions of video game sketch
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