Friday, May 15, 2020
OMG. I spent the entire morning and early afternoon trying to upload my video of my Animal Crossing New Horizons 5 star island tour to youtube. It was so frustrating. It took 15 minutes to upload and then another 15 to process and then didn't work so I had to start over. Then 30 minutes later, I had the whole description typed out and everything uploaded and it didn't upload the HD version. I don't know why it didn't because my mp4 file was high quality and when I tried the 3rd time without doing anything differently, it worked perfectly fine.
I also tried to record Bloons TD 6 but my video corrupted somehow and I just gave up and decided I'd start over. Which sucks, because that was another hour wasted basically.
After that I really didn't do anything productive. I did my daily workout so late and my boyfriend and I stayed up late watching Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix while he played Bloons TD 6.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
I surprisingly didn't wake up late today considering I didn't go to bed until like 1:30 in the morning. I tried recording Bloons TD 6 again today and the video capture didn't work right. It came out flashing and lagging so I gave up. I recorded an hour and 3o minutes worth of the game and it was all lost. AND that was the second time I had gone through the tutorial. AND I didn't realize until I tried to edit it after my boyfriend and I had done the co-op and I had progressed like 11 levels. I'm so frustrated. I feel like I shouldn't have started a gaming channel. This was supposed to just be for fun, but now what should be fun and easy became frustrating. So we'll see. I'll probably just stick to Switch games until I can sort out my computer issues. At least I know the capture software for that actually works.
Didn't do anything besides that. I haven't done my workout yet, but don't worry. I will get it done. I'm thinking of taking a bath tonight. The world is too stressful lately and I need to remember why I am doing this. For self care and becoming a better version of myself while I have the extra time to. No need to stress over things that should be fun.
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